​Troubleshooting Order Problems:

It is not allowing me to complete order

  • Make sure that you have filled out all the fields that have an “*” by them.
  • If your are an international client, make sure you fill out all the fields in the address section. Some fields such as state and city may not apply to your location, just enter “N/A” so that you can continue.
  • Make sure the shipping radio button is “ticked”
  • Make sure credit card info is accurate
  • If you do not have a credit card, you can use PayPal to make an order. Accounts are free to open and can be activated immediately. Scroll to the bottom of the order page (page you were previously on) to use the PayPal order link

I cannot see any videos

  • All videos are hosted on Vimeo, so any device that can play Vimeo videos should be able to watch the videos.
  • If you still can't see anything, send an email to david@davidavellan.com to give details of your issue.

​I didn’t receive a confirmation email

​I can’t get anything to work!

  • Call +1-305-209-2097 to process your order over the phone. If the line is busy, leave a message and we will reach back to you ASAP.
  • You can also send an email to david@davidavellan.com with a detailed message explaining your problem.