Learn How The Kimura Trap System Changed Me From Being A "Boring Point Wrestler" Into A Submission Artist Who Tapped Out 3 BJJ Black Belts At The ADCC Worlds!

Learn Why UFC Fighters Like Dominick Cruz, Phil Davis, Brandon Vera, Alan Belcher, Brandon Vera, Tim Credeur, and Mike Easton Are Going Crazy For The Kimura Trap!

That's me with the 2009 ADCC Bronze Medal, thanks to the Kimura Trap System

Who Am I, Why I Hate Wrestling, And Love The Kimura Trap

My name is David Avellan. I am a 4xADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) Submission Wrestling World Championships Veteran, having won a Bronze medal in the 87.9kg division in 2009.

I have beaten many of the world's best grapplers, such as BJJ Black Belt World Champions Rafael Lovato Jr.Tarsis HumphriesAmaury BittetiAlexandre 'Xande' RibeiroRoberto 'Cyborg' Abreu, and Rener Gracie.

"Wait a second! Aren't you a wrestler?"

Yes and no, LOL!

When my brother Marcos and I burst into national attention in 2003, we were labeled wrestlers. You see, back then, wrestling wasn't common in grappling. A decent high school wrestler with BJJ training would give people fits.

That is what I was. I had 3 years of HS wrestling when I started to train NHB (No Holds Barred) in 1999. For your newbies, NHB was the hardcore, no rules form of MMA. MMA evolved from NHB and became the sport that it is today.

My bloodiest fight so far in BodogFIGHT Costa Rica

Anyhow, my brother (Marcos Avellan) and I achieved quick success in the grappling world once we applied our wrestling work ethic and take downs to our Jiu Jitsu game.

We only had an instructor for about a year and a half. After he moved, we became Ronins (a Samurai with no master).

We trained each other and constantly worked to improve our skills. We studied videos, magazines, UFCs, and competed as much as possible.

Since we had no easy hand me down source of knowledge, we learned to always keep our eyes and minds open to new techniques.

Back to the matter at hand - why I hate wrestling.

That is me victorious over ADCC and Mundial Champion Xande Ribeiro

This may come as a surprise to a BJJer, but wrestling is the most stressful part of a match for me - even for someone who is labeled a wrestler.


I'm not the only one. In fact, I would say that 99% of wrestlers share the same anxiety.


Because if you face an opponent who is a better wrestler, you will not be able to control the first points scored. Sure we could pull guard, but wrestlers are not used to being on their back.

The lack of practice makes wrestlers vulnerable like an upside down turtle when on their backs.

Personally, I have lost matches just because I gave up one take down. Losing 2-0 is incredibly frustrating. Especially when you are doing everything possible to score but your opponent is just stalling.

Playing for Keeps...

Landing a Heel Hook on ADCC World Champion and BJJ legend Andre Galvao

Many competitors play the "points game." I admit - I have done it myself.

No one enjoys watching someone ride out the score. It bores the hell out of the crowd and makes no fans.

But that is not why I became a submission artist. I could care less about what other people think as long as I get what I want.

The reason I changed was EFFICIENCY.

In the ADCC 2007 Submission Wrestling World Championships, I had a total mat time of over 70 minutes with just 4 matches. Playing the 'safe' route caused me to go deep into regulation and many overtimes.

A total of 6 overtimes!

I fell short of what I wanted, which was two gold medals. Then I watched what the winners were doing: Marcelo GarciaRobert DrysdaleBraulio Estima and Roger Gracie.

They spent less time on the mat because they were finishing their matches quick. That left them better rested to go the long haul and in tournaments, you need all the energy you can get.

Roger Gracie doesn’t waste time on the mats

I decided then that I needed to take more chances and up my submission game.

Being an engineer, I wanted to find the best submission hold possible to maximize my gains and minimize my risk.

I knew that I needed a specialty. A jack of all trades is a master of none. Marcelo Garcia has the arm drag, Cyborg the tornado guard, Braulio his inverted triangle. What was going to be mine?

I was already well known for my leg locks, but I wanted to specialize in another hold. Factors I considered were:

  • How many different positions could I attack with my submission?
  • How many ways could I finish my submission?
  • What would be my bailout plan if things went south?
  • How many ways could my opponent escape?
  • Could this be used easily in transition?
  • Can this submission be forced?

As I thought about this more and more, I struggled to wrap my head around it all. I made flow charts and diagrams to try and pick the most efficient move.

As you can see, it goes deep

The result of all this brainstorming was a technique I had learned in my first day of grappling training...

...the Kimura.

What is the Kimura Trap?

The Kimura Trap is a concept of using the Kimura is a grip. Quite simple, but revolutionary once you understand that you can use this grip not only to submit, but to sweep, reverse, pass guard, throw, and more. I coined the term back in 2007, but it didn't become famous until I first released this course back in 2012.

So the Kimura Trap System is submission system based off the Kimura Trap, that I have been developing for over 12 years.

I have drilled countless hours, mapped tons of different sequences, and practiced hundreds of scenarios - all in the quest for a submission that I can hit against anyone at any time, from any position.

There is a TON of positions, submissions, sweeps, take downs and escapes in the Kimura Trap system. Here are just a few things the Kimura Trap can do for you:

Say "NO" To Wrestlers! Use The Kimura Trap To Counter Take Downs:

  • Stop All Shots Dead In Their Tracks With This Bullet Proof System. You Will Feel So Safe, You Will Stand Straight Up And Have No Worries!
  • Many Ways Of Setting Tempting Takedown “Traps” That Will Have Your Opponents Taking The Bait Over And Over Again!
  • Monkey on your back? No problem, use the Kimura Throw to finish him off. WARNING – you may break his ribs (I’m guilty of this – OOPS!) or take his shoulder clean off the socket!
  • Choose Which Submission You Will Finish Your Enemy With: Rear Naked Choke, Arm Bar, Bicep Slicer, Triangle Choke, Inverted Triangle Choke, One Arm Choke, Head Scissors, Kimura, Wrist Locks, And More!
  • No Need To Be Flexible, Strong, Fast, Long Limbed, Etc. – This System Works For Everyone!
  • Is This Going To Work In MMA? Absolutely! In Fact, The System Is Easier To Use With More Ways Of Finishing!

If the Kimura Trap system was just about takedown defense, it would be a great weapon in your arsenal. But the good news gets better:

The Kimura Trap Can Be Mixed With The Half Or Open Guard To Create The KIMURA LOCKDOWN:

  • Half Guard Kimura’s are not just for beefcakes! Learn how you can easily put your opponent on Lockdown and have him at your mercy, regardless of size!
  • Break anybodies grip to finish your Kimura with never before revealed secrets to grip breaking
  • Facing a grip like a steel pad lock? Use the Avellan Squeeze to pop his elbow out of place. This is brand new submission that you can learn nowhere else!
  • Having trouble with the Kimura? No problem, just arm bar him with either the grape vine arm bar or the rolling arm bar!
  • Tired of arm bars? Be like Braulio Estima and put him in an inverted triangle choke!
  • Stop your opponents passing by putting him into the Kimura Lockdown. It is so easy and deceptive, he won’t know what is going on.

The Kimura Trap is More than just a Submission – it is a Submission System

My first use of the Kimura Trap (Kimura to Arm Bar) against UFC veteran Jay Heiron

I can grapple someone ONLY using the Kimura Trap System and be a stone cold killer.

Using the system is easy and there are tons of opportunities in every match. You don't have to wait for the stars to line up to get your chance.

This is what makes this system so powerful - you can use it all the time.

If you are paying attention, I have said system dozens of times. What do I mean exactly when I say the Kimura Trap is a system?

  • It is a well documented and thoroughly understood process that is easily replicated.
  • The process starts when you give it an input (what position you and your opponent are in).
  • You execute the Kimura Trap, and as the position changes your response will match it.
  • The process has no unknown variables. Any counter your opponent makes has been accounted for.
  • It requires no thinking. Just follow the steps in the system to get your desired output – submission!

This is the beauty of the Kimura Trap - it is so easy to replicate in new students. I have blue belts that are beating brown belts just because they can follow the system.

And yes, you can submit your instructor! I taught a Kimura Trap seminar at a close friend’s school while he was away, and now he is complaining that he keeps getting caught with it by his students!

You don't have to take my word for it. I held a few seminars and got to show people outside of my academy what the Kimura Trap System was all about.

Just listen to their Kimura Trap reviews:

Kimura Trap Reviews:

“I have been to seminars with Marcello Garcia, Jeff Glover, a bunch of them. Not to say they are no good, but this is hands down, the best seminar I have ever been to."

"I just finished the seminar with Master Avellan - Incredible! I have been to numerous seminars in the past 7-8 years with Master Chim. I have been to seminars with Marcello Garcia, Jeff Glover, a bunch of them. Not to say they are no good, but this is hands down, the best seminar I have ever been to."

Rock Starr
BJJ Purple Belt

“Amazing seminar! Basically, a game changer.”

“I just got done with David Avellan’s seminar, The Kimura Trap. Amazing seminar! Basically, a game changer. If you are having trouble finishing the kimura, trouble setting up the kimura, or having trouble defending takedowns, this is the system that will improve your game and have you catching kimuras from all different angles, have you defending takedowns, taking people’s back and finishing with a one arm choke. Overall the system is amazing. I definitely suggest you check out the system.”

Patrick Kelly
BJJ Black Belt

“The Kimura Trap is the new evolution of Jiu Jitsu.”

“I just finished the David Avellan seminar – awesome seminar! The Kimura Trap is the new evolution of Jiu Jitsu. It is awesome and I can’t wait to start using it in competition…Jiu Jitsu is always changing – this is definitely the next step. Anybody who is not doing this is going to be back a whole notch so I highly recommend David Avellan’s Kimura Trap. Check it out!”

Jeff Cressman
BJJ Brown Belt

You might be thinking, "It is easy to amaze a student with technique."

But it is not just students that love the Kimura Trap System. Take a look at what ADCC veteran, undefeated MMA fighter, BJJ Black Belt, and in-your-face personality Justin "Chim" Garcia had to say in his Kimura Trap review:

“I have at least 20, 25, maybe even 30 students following this system.”

“…The beauty is in the system that Master David designed and within one seminar, I believe the seminar was 2-3 hours long, I have at least 20, 25, maybe even 30 students following this system. I have guys pulling off Kimuras in tournaments, guys pulling them off in training, guys getting a lot of confidence in areas they didn’t otherwise have. You guys know David Avellan – he is one of the world’s best and his Kimura Trap series is in line with the caliber that we are used to…He is an awesome instructor, very articulate and very passionate about what he teaches and his Kimura Trap series is no different.”

Justin "Chim" Garcia
BJJ Black Belt, Owner of Jungle Gym Bronx

Justin is not the only Black Belt to be impressed with the results of the Kimura Trap, hear what the head coach Brad Daddis of Daddis Fight Camps had to say in his Kimura Trap System review:

“He put together a system that after showing my students, even white belts, for one day with the Kimura Trap and they are hitting it in local tournaments.”

“We were fortunate enough to have David Avellan do a seminar and just give us a little brief sample of the Kimura Trap. One of the coolest parts about the Kimura Trap is that its a system. As a BJJ black belt, sometimes we think we know everything, but we don’t. David is an innovator. He put together a system that after showing my students, even white belts, for one day with the Kimura Trap and they are hitting it in local tournaments. And guys simply don’t know how to defend against it.It has never been seen before. There is a counter to everything. Everything David has on there, if somebody tries to counter what you are doing, there is a counter to the counter.”

Brad Daddis
BJJ Black Belt, Owner of Daddis Fight Camps

Ready to learn a GAME CHANGING system that will have you tapping out everyone, even when they know what you are doing? Then it's time to learn...


  1. 1
    6 DVD Set and Online Course: Everything you need to know about the Kimura Trap System is within the course, spanning over 4 hours on DVD, with an additional 7 hours of bonus online content. 
  2. 2
    Comes with the KTS eBook, which is an 110pg companion text with photos to help explain the Kimura Trap System in case you like reading. :)
  3. 3
    Includes the KTS Mind Map, which is a great resource for drilling and review.
  4. 4
    Free Online Updates: As you get better with the Kimura Trap System over time, so does the course! Everytime I add a new technique, you will get online access to it for free.

DVD 1: Kimura Fundamentals Part 1 - The core essentials on how to the Kimura Lock, covering grips, positions, and basic setups that must be understood before utilizing the Kimura Trap. This DVD by itself can completely revolutionize how you apply the Kimura once you understand all the little moving parts behind a Kimura that most people miss!

  • Kimura from Guard
  • Hip Over Sweep
  • Hip Over to Kimura / Kimura to Hip Over
  • Kimura from Side Mount
  • Arm Bar off the Kimura from Side Mount
  • Head Scissors off the Kimura from Side Mount
  • Running time 47 minutes

DVD 2: Kimura Fundamentals Part 2 – More simple, yet effective setups that will allow you to fully realize your Kimura trapping potential! Even though these are considered basics, I haven’t met a black belt yet that knew all of what I consider the basic techniques. So even if you are a veteran grappler, you will want to pay close attention!

  • Inverted Triangle Choke off the Kimura from Side Mount
  • Forearm Slicer from Side Mount
  • North South Kimura
  • Kimura Pass – Kimura Finish
  • Kimura Pass – Arm Lock Finish
  • Kimura Pass – Side Mount Finish
  • Running time 41 minutes

DVD 3: The Kimura Trap – The introduction to the concept of the Kimura Trap. It covers one setup of the Kimura Trap, and all the possible transitions and finishes you can utilize. This one segment can change your grappling world forever – it has for me and many others such as BJJ stars Keenan Cornelius and Nyjah Easton.

  • Setting Up the Kimura Trap Against the Head Inside Single Leg
  • Taking the Back off the Kimura Trap and Finishing with the One Arm Choke
  • Kimura Trap to Arm Bar
  • Kimura Trap to Head Scissors
  • Kimura Trap to Inverted Triangle Choke
  • Kimura Trap to Crucifix
  • Running time 41 minutes

DVD 4: The Kimura Traps – In this DVD, we cover all of the different ways of getting into the Kimura Trap, and show some advanced finishes as well. Prepare to have your mind blown! After watching this, you will be like Neo in the Matrix – except instead of seeing 1’s and 0’s, you will be seeing Kimuras everywhere. 

  • Kimura Trap to Avellan Pin
  • Kimura Trap to Side Mount
  • Kimura Trap Hook Control
  • Kimura Trap Against the Double Leg Far Arm
  • Kimura Trap Against the Double Leg Near Arm
  • Kimura Trap Against the Double Leg Against the fence
  • Kimura Trap vs Turtle
  • Diving Kimura Trap
  • Running time 40 minutes

DVD 5: The Kimura Lock Down – The cousin of the Kimura Trap, the Kimura Lock Down is a powerful attack position that can be initiated off your back from guard, half guard, or the open guard. Best of all, it flows with the Kimura Trap – allowing you to switch back and forth between positions. As a bottom player, this is a must learn position.

  • KLD - Kimura Finish
  • KLD - Setups
  • KLD - Avellan Squeeze
  • KLD - Grapevine Arm Bar
  • KLD - Inverted Triangle Choke
  • KLD -Rolling Arm Bar
  • KLD - Inverted Head Scissors
  • KLD -Sweeping Arm Bar
  • Running time 40 minutes

DVD 6: Kimuras from Behind, and Escape Prevention – Yes! Even when your opponent is behind you the Kimura Trap is still in play. Whether you are standing, on your knees, or even in a complete back mount with hooks in, you can still finish the Kimura Trap! Plus, we plug any holes that your opponent might try to escape the Kimura Trap from, so that once somebody gets caught in the Kimura Trap, there is only one escape – to tap out!

  • Kimura Throw from the back
  • Kimura Slide Out
  • The Prestige
  • Backward Roll Counter
  • Leg Trapping Counter
  • Armless Triangle from KT
  • KT to Kimura Lock Down
  • KT Combo: Turtle to Crucifix
  • KT Combo: Turtle to Back
  • Running time 42 minutes

The total running time of the DVD set is 4 hours and 14 minutes, and is filled with priceless nuggets of information that you can’t get anywhere else.

On top of the 6 DVD’s you will also get the Kimura Trap System Mind Map. This chart will show you how each move connects to each other, making it a great drilling reference to really get the most out of your Kimura Trap game.

But since 2012, we have added a lot to the system on our online portal, over 7 hours worth of content! Here are the updates we have added:

  • Motorcycle Grip
  • Step Over Kimura
  • Kimura Lock Down to Back
  • Kimura Trap Same Side Kimura
  • Kneemura
  • Staple Pin
  • Reverse Kimura Sweeps
  • Kimura to Omo Plata
  • Kimura from Kesa-Gatame
  • Reverse Kimura
  • Double Reverse Kimura
  • Kimura Bar
  • Diving Reverse Kimura Trap
  • RKT Knee Bar
  • RKT from Turtle
  • Kimura Lock Down Leg Lock
  • Reverse Kimura Trap Back Take
  • RKT Leg Hook Pass
  • Refined Diving Kimura Trap
  • Standing Arm Lock
  • Standing Wrist Lock
  • Reverse Kimura Throw
  • Shoulder Smash
  • Seminar Videos
  • Spy Cam Videos
  • Kimura Fundamentals Course
  • Running Time: 7 hours, 38 minutes and growing (as of 4/8/2019)

Does the Kimura Trap System work for competition?

Perhaps you want to hear from battle tested competitors who have competed at a world class level.

I have had the privelege of being invited multiple times to Team Lloyd Irvin specifically to train the "Medal Chasers," a group of dedicated warriors who eat, sleep, and live BJJ. Between them all, they have over a couple dozen world championships - so you know they are the creme of the crop.

After 12 hours of instruction, I interviewed them to answer some of the common questions people have about the Kimura Trap System. Listen below to what these world champions had to say in their Kimura Trap System reviews:

“The transition game is the most valuable part of the Kimura Trap System…”

Keenan Cornelius
BJJ Black Belt, Brown & Purple Belt Grand Slam World Champion, ADCC 2013 87.9kg & Absolute Division Bronze Medalist

“Once you get stuck in the Kimura Trap, there is no way out.”

DJ Jackson
BJJ Black Belt, 6xBJJ World Champion, Undefeated MMA Fighter

“The Kimura Trap System is going to totally change the game.”

Nyjah Rollins
BJJ Black Belt, Purple Belt BJJ World Champion & 5xBrown/Black Silver Medalist

Want To Hear From MMA Stars?

So maybe hearing from World Champions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not enough for you to believe in the Kimura Trap System.

You want to hear from famous MMA fighters that you see on UFC, Bellator, or OneFC.

Don't worry - I got you covered!

Watch these Kimura Trap System reviews from MMA stars and champion:

“This DVD set changed my game”

Phil "Mr. Wonderful" Davis
Former Bellator Champion, UFC Vet

“…it teaches you that the kimura is everywhere…”

Brandon "The Truth" Vera
OneFC Heavyweight Champion, UFC Vet

“He definitely improved my game”

Michael Chandler
Bellator Champion

“...you got the Kimura Trap System down, you know a million different ways to keep this person on his back, and at the same time you'll always better your position.”

Dominick "the Dominator" Cruz
Former UFC Champion, UFC Commentator

Kimura Trap System Break Down

kimura trap system

What you will be getting in The Kimura Trap System is a 6-DVD instructional course jam packed with techniques such as:

Kimura Fundamentals

  • Learn all the important little details behind the Kimura. You would be surprised how many mistakes you have been making that have cost you taps!
  • Use my patented Kimura Pass to obliterate the half guard of even the best BJJers!
  • If he gives you a hand, take both arms and his head and slap him into an inverted Triangle Choke while still holding a Kimura.
  • Make use of one of the best and least utilized positions with the North South Kimura. After you learn this, you will LOVE getting into this position
  • Hate it when your opponent grabs his shorts? Use a little known Kimura secret, the Fore Arm Crusher, to have him tapping fast!
  • Your opponent to strong to break his grip? Then chop his head off with the Head Scissors!
  • Do people escape your sidemount using the underhook escape? Just put them in a Kimura and they will be stuck like chuck!

Introduction to the Kimura Trap

  • Put on your Kevlar and give him your leg (bait). Now that no shot can stop you, watch him squirm helplessly as you finish him off with an arm bar
  • Learn how I submitted BJJ Black Belt World Champion Tarsis Humphries with only one arm and no, you don’t have to be a power lifter to do this.
  • Double Leg, Single Leg, Hi Crotch…IT DOESN”T MATTER! Let him shoot and do the work so he can throw himself head over heels into the kimura trap. No exaggeration there.
  • Did you end up sprawling him? You can still put him in the Kimura Trap and score a sweet crucifix!
  • Did you take him down to his open guard? Prepare to wow the crowd with the Diving Kimura TrapCrushing his face with your hip is optional, but highly recommended.

Advanced Finishes from the Kimura Trap

  • When your opponent is not flapping around like a fish out of water, just cut his head off with the head scissors!
  • Do you have a general dislike for your enemy? Put him in an Inverted Triangle and make him hate life. If you really hate him, break his wrist in the process!
  • Do you wish you had a crucifix position you can hit besides from the side mount? Use this easy setup from the Kimura Trap to cave in your opponents face with elbows.
  • Are you and your opponent hungry? Use the Avellan pin to turn him into a pretzel and feed him elbows!
  • Want a submission finish from the crucifix? Use the Avellan Pin to take his back and choke him out!
  • Want a traditional Kimura finish? Just pop up and take the side mount and you are ready to go!

The Kimura Lockdown

  • Learn how to turn your wimpy half guard kimura into the super powered Kimura Lockdown.
  • Use one of my in house inventions, the Avellan Squeeze, to blow out his elbow in a pinch!
  • Are you a fan of ADCC Champion Braulio Estima? Then you have to learn this Inverted Triangle Choke setup!
  • Enjoy arm bars? Use my grapevine arm bar or the rolling arm bar to finish your enemy.

Applying the Kimura when your Enemy is Behind you

  • Never give up on your Kimura, even when he has your back with both hooks! Just use the Kimura Slide Out to get an unexpected tap.
  • Are you about to get suplexed? Give him a dose of his own medicine with the Kimura Throw and learn why my training partners are terrified of taking my back. Seriously, people let go of body locks on me all the time!

Stopping your Opponent from Escaping the Kimura Trap

  • Slow to execute your Kimura Trap? Use the Prestige to magically put him right back where he started!
  • Are you facing a goofy, wiry grappler that is moving in every unexpected way possible? Don't worry, I got you covered. Use my simple trap retention that will make him tap even faster!

As you can see, there is a lot for you to digest. I didn’t cut any corners or leave anything out. This has been my life’s work all put into video for you.

Not only did I film the Kimura Trap System, I also wrote a 110 page book capturing all the details with easy to see pictures rendered in full color.

The Kimura Trap Book is an excellent guide that you can bring with you to the gym when you are drilling the Kimura Trap.

You will be happy to know that I included it as part of my Kimura Trap System.

You are welcome. :)

Once you see how many ways you can use the Kimura Trap, you might get lost.

That is way I added the Kimura Trap Mind Map!

The Kimura Trap Mind Map clearly shows what techniques you can use from each position, and how they transition into other techniques.

If you plan on being a Kimura Trap Master (which you will), this will be very helpful resource.

It was by using this very same mind map that I achieved a higher level of understanding with the Kimura Trap System.

Want to know a secret?

Before I filmed the DVDs or wrote the Book, I wasn’t sure where to start.

There is so much content to cover in the Kimura Trap System, I was a bit intimidated.

So the very first thing I did was make this mind map.

I then used the mind map to make the book, and then I used the book to make the DVDs.

So each part of my educational system is directly related to each other. You will easily be able to move between the mind map, the book, and the 6-DVD without missing a beat.

The Kimura Trap System Is Always Evolving, And You Will Too With FREE Online Updates!

It has been years since I released the Kimura Trap System, so naturally things have changed since then.

New positions, submissions, sweeps, and take downs have been discovered, along with some revisions to old techniques.

kimura trap update

In the past I held webinars to keep people up to date, but that can be a pain in the butt for both you and me. So, I decided to do something that people have asked me to do for years...

Meet the Kimura Trap System Online! A brand new website that has ALL of the videos from the 6-DVD set, the book (which was previously only for people who ordered the first edition of KTS), and the mind map - PLUS, video updates and discussion groups!

There are currently 7 hours and 38 minutes of FREE updates - making the total Kimura Trap System over 11 hours and 52 minutes long! That is a lot of Kimura!

This is your one-stop-shop for Kimura Trap knowledge! This also means that when you order the Kimura Trap System, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to ALL of the Kimura Trap System.

kimura trap online

No more waiting for the postman to come to your door. :)

The website is mobile friendly, so you can watch ALL of the Kimura Trap System videos on any phone, tablet, or Smart TV, including iPhones, Androids, and iPads. So now you can take the Kimura Trap System with you anywhere you go.

Kimura Trap System Online Updates

  • Learn the all important Motorcycle Grip and how it is a COMPLETE game changer. No one is going to slip out of your Kimuras after you use this grip.
  • Small tweaks to make to your Step Over Kimura to make it even more powerful and difficult to escape.
  • Stuck in the Kimura Lock Down? Just take their back with this simple but hard to stop back take.
  • Is your opponent straightening their arm out while in the kimura trap TV position? Just pin their hand to mat and rip their shoulder off with the same side Kimura. Careful, this is a very strong submission not to be played around with!
  • The Staple Pin - the best friend of all Kimura hunters. Learn it and use it well to keep your opponent stuck in a perpetual cycle of Kimuras.
  • Can't finish your Kimura from the guard? Just switch to an omoplata!
  • Having trouble finishing an arm bar? Especially when your opponent crosses his arms across his chest? Use the Kimura Bar, and you will tear that grip with ease!
  • Are you a wrestler or Judoka and end up in kesa-gatame or the sit out often? Guess what - you can hit a sneaky Kimura here too!
  • Some people are doing "Rolling Kimuras," which in my humble opinion is bad technique. I took some extra time to reiterate why the Diving Kimura is the way to go for high flying submission action.

Leg Locks and Kimuras?

  • Are you a leg locker? Then you will love going from the Kimura Lock Down to knee bars! So easy, I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!

New - The Reverse Kimura Trap Series!

  • The Reverse Kimura is an unusual submission that you can use from many positions. Especially when opponents are cautious about the regular Kimura, their natural defense position (elbows in) makes them vulnerable to the Reverse Kimura.
  • While the Reverse Kimura is not an easy submission, the grip is powerful and makes for powerful sweeps. Scissors sweeps, elevators, and flower sweeps come easily with a Reverse Kimura.
  • You think the Reverse Kimura is unusual? Then you will trip out of the Double Reverse Kimura. Works great with Omoplata setups.
  • All of these Reverse Kimuras are just the icing on the cake. The main event is the Reverse Kimura Trap (RKT) - a powerful way of passing top half guard that will leave your opponents stumped.
  • Besides passing half guard with ease, you can also score a sneaky knee bar and even a honey hole or 411 leg lock position. Similar to the Kneemura in that your opponent will be forced to give up something.
  • Want more than just a guard pass? RKT allows you to take the back with a simple roll over that lends itself to arm bars and reverse triangle chokes too!
  • Want to mount with the RKT without sitting back? Use the leg hook squeeze and score a side mount or mount easily while staying perfectly balanced.
  • If you have your opponent turtled, you can also roll him over into the RKT with a simple grip adjustment!

New - The Standing Arm Lock Series!

  • If you thought Standing Arm Locks were just for Steven Segal, you were wrong. I show you an easy setup that can allow you to break your opponents arm with minimal effort. Not for training use as it is hard to do slow.
  • If you don't want to break your opponent's arm, then how about their wrist? You can quickly transition to a wrist lock if your opponent defends the arm lock. Another not-so-friendly submission that would make Mr. Segal proud.
  • Say your opponent slipped out of both the arm lock and the wrist lock. What now? No worries - the Reverse Kimura Throw will send them to mat with a shoulder lock finish. This one can be done on friends, but can also be used with good hips for a brutal high amplitude throw.
  • If all that fails, we still got our an ace up our sleeve - the Shoulder Smash. The wrestlers reading this will be very familiar with this from the Russian 2-on-1 tie up, and we can transform it into an arm lock on the ground as well.

New - Seminar and SPY Cam Videos!

  • As I have taught many seminars over the past few years, I have made some refinements to the ways I teach the Kimura Trap System. And now I am filming them for your benefit!
  • I have also been filming select classes where I cover the Kimura Trap System. More technical break downs of all things camera as I am teaching it right now!
  • I also include private lesson instruction of the Kimura Trap System for your benefit ?

The Kimura Trap System - A Complete Guide to Mastery

In the 5 years of studying and experimenting it took to master the Kimura Trap System, I spent at least 1000 hours (and that is being conservative).

Since then it has been another 7 years I have been working on the Kimura Trap System, making it even more effective. If you told me that I could save myself all that time to have the whole system documented and explained to me with videos, a book, and complete with a mind map - I would have jumped on the opportunity in a heartbeat.

Heck, it took over a year of work just to organize all my systems and make sure that everything was thoroughly explained. Now I turn over my years of experience and knowledge over to you so that you may learn quickly what took me much effort.

There isn't another Kimura course out there that has anywhere near the 11+ hours of video, 110 page eBook, mind map, and offers free online updates. I could easily charge $297 for the Kimura Trap System course and it would be a bargain.

When I first realized the Kimura Trap System back in 2012, we opened up sales at $197. We sold out 3 days later, with a huge list of people waiting to get more.

But you aren't going to have to pay that either.

Occasionally I do sales, and lower the price to $147, which is a steal at that price, but you won't have to pay that either.

For right now, you can pick it up for just $107, plus shipping and handling for the DVD set, including online access. Or, you can choose just to have online access and pay only $97.

This is the best course for the best value of any martial arts course in my humble opinion. So this deal won't last. Take advantage of the offer before I come to my senses and bring the price back up to $197.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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A Few More Testimonials From Satisfied Customers

“I'm grateful to have learned the Kimura Trap System from David Avellan DVD's."

"I'm grateful to have learned the Kimura Trap System from David Avellan DVD's. This system was the basis for my Kimura attacks and worth the investment"

Rick Marshall
10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Black Belt

“...I used that move successfully three times in a competition that I won today."

“Just wanted to say you taught me a move where they shoot a single leg and you defend it with a kimura trap and take them down instead and I used that move successfully three times in a competition that I won today. It's definitely my go to move to bring someone from the ground. Thanks for teaching it to me."

William Gillies
BJJ White Belt

"All I can say is WOW..."

"All I can say is WOW after getting the opportunity to do a private with David Avellan on his Kimura Trap System!!!!!!!! I am pretty proficient with the Kimura, considering it's my favorite move. I even named my dog Kimura, lol. Oh and I was taught by Frank Mir, you know the guy that broke Nogueira's arm with a Kimura, but David showed details/concepts I have never seen before and explained other details/concepts I had seen but broke them down even deeper. Frank and I both were extremely impressed by knowledge/teaching ability and can't wait for the next session."

James Horne
BJJ Black Belt under UFC Champion and Legend Frank Mir

"...the Kimura Trap System is the best thing I ever learned..."

“I just want to say the Kimura Trap System is the best thing I ever learned and thanks to you its my forte!!! I owe you a lot sir!!!"

Roger Latreille
Tristar Gym Rive-Nord Coach
David Avellan

Creator of the Kimura Trap System

About the Author

David Avellan is a BJJ Black Belt and ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championships Bronze Medalist. He holds victories over Brazilian Jiu Jitsu legends such as Alexandre "Xande" Ribeiro, Rafael Lovato Jr., Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu, Tarsis Humphries, and Rener Gracie. He has also coached many top athletes such as Phil "Mr. Wonderful" Davis, Brandon "The Truth" Vera, Jeremy "Lil Heathen" Stephens, DJ Jackson, Keenan Cornelius, and Jorge "Gamebred" Masvidal.

KTS Seminar at UFC Star Alan Belcher's Academy

KTS Seminar at UFC Star Alan Belcher's Academy

Still Not Sure About the Kimura Trap System?

If you have gotten this far down and are still reading, I have to assume I got your attention and you are at least experiencing one or two of the problems I have mentioned. But just in case you forget, ask yourself the following question:

Are you experiencing any of these problems in sparring?

  • Have trouble defending take downs
  • Have no clutch submission
  • Have a hard time controlling grips
  • You don't have a system in place to sequence your attacks
  • Get stuck on the cage in MMA
  • Don't know how to attack a turtle guard

How KTS Will Help

  • KTS is one of the best ways to counter a take down. It not only stops it, but will put you in a dominant position where you can end the match with a variety of submissions or pins
  • Someone with KTS always has a clutch move at their disposal, because you can hit it from ANYWHERE
  • The Kimura is the ultimate grip, so people will be hard pressed to escape once you learn all the details that make it work
  • The Kimura Trap System was designed to give you a step-by-step system that anyone can follow and be highly effective
  • I would argue that KTS works better in MMA because of the cage! It gives you plenty of time to setup and launch your opponent into the trap
  • When someone turtles, it is one of the best times to put them in the Kimura Trap. It's so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't think of it

As you can see, I have an answer to every problem presented. As someone who has practiced the martial arts for over 24 years and has been teaching MMA since 2001, it's fair to say I have seen a lot. 

If you have followed my career, you will know that I don't do anything fancy, which is a nice way of saying ineffective.

I'm not super fast, flexible, long-limbed, freakishly strong, or naturally gifted. Yet, I was one of the best American competitors in submission wrestling and have helped revolutionize the BJJ and MMA world with my teachings, like the Kimura Trap System.


I focused on basic techniques. Some people think basic is a code word for easy to defend. It's not.

Even if you don't buy this course, reading this next few paragraphs can help you become a master.

Basic means the technique is so effective, that even a beginner can use it and have success.

Imagine the difference between killing someone with a high-powered sniper rifle, versus using a basic revolver. To aim a sniper rifle takes much more work, as you can't just fire it from the hip accurately. You need to properly set it up, use your scope, and fire (and a lot more steps I'm missing). It's a complicated process that requires training.

Whereas with a revolver, you just point and pull the trigger. 

So whereas some people try to make their game complicated, I work on making it basic - and becoming highly proficient at the basics.

Some people think just because it is basic and learn it in the first day of class, they are done learning. That is a fallacy many people make. It's like reading a book once and thinking you absorbed 100% of the knowledge. Not a chance.

Fighters like Roger Gracie understand the power of basics. He has made his career of a basic collar choke that most people learn in the first few weeks of BJJ. But he has master level technique with that basic move. He knows how to make that basic move EVEN MORE effective than it already is, which is why he is lethal with that choke.

So the systems I develop are based on that logic. Find techniques that are basic, that can be adapted to be used by anyone, regardless of their body type or skill level. Then figure out what makes it work, piece by piece. Then leverage that knowledge into making it even more effective.

With my Kimura Trap System, I have done just that. You will be able to watch it and learn valuable technique that you could have missed despite training for decades in just a few minutes. 

Why should I get the Kimura Trap System, when there are other instructional courses covering the Kimura Lock?

There are many wonderful instructional DVD sets out there. I would never discourage you from investing in your education, so by all means seek out knowledge from wherever you can.

If you are on this page though, that means you are looking for something special that you cannot get anywhere else. If you are looking for the original Kimura Trap System, it comes from yours truly. I coined the term "Kimura Trap" back in 2007 at my gym, the Freestyle Fighting Academy in Miami, FL.

The Kimura Trap System is truly a one-of-a-kind submission system that is only listed in it’s entirety here. You might be able to find bits and pieces of it online, but no one else has put together such a simple step-by-step system.

Since I released my course back in 2012, many others have made spin off versions of it. While I haven't been able to keep up with all of them, there is always something lost in the interpretation. I see ads and articles every so often of another Kimura course with fundamental errors in technique being displayed, which makes me sad - as someone is going to learn the Kimura incorrectly.

Unlearning bad technique is harder than learning it the right way the first time. So I would suggest you order my course first, as you will learn everything properly and understand why everything works. Afterwards, you can view other courses to see if you can learn more from them, but at least by then you will be able to spot errors and avoid them.

I have had people from all over the world send me videos of them using the Kimura Trap System. People have won world championships using my system, such as Keenan Cornelius, DJ Jackson, and Jason Soares. It has been tested in the highest levels of competition, and passed with flying colors.

Furthermore, it is a system that can be used by anyone. You don’t need to be long and tall, short and stocky, flexible, powerful, or a black belt to use it. You can be a beginner and use the Kimura Trap. It also will tie in with any type of game, whether you are a bottom guy, or a top guy.

The one thing this system will do is make you a finisher. You will find yourself getting more submissions than you ever did before. That is what it did for me and I know it can do it for you too!

What comes with the Kimura Trap System?

  • 6 DVD Set Spanning over 4 hours
  • KTS 110pg eBook
  • Instant Online Access
  • 7.5+ hours of bonus online video updates
  • KTS Mind Map
  • Free Online Updates

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

Don't Hate The Player - Hate The Game

So if you are like me and are tired of the "points game", forget the score board and join me in a new game - the Submission Game.

The Kimura Trap System is the most powerful system in my submission game, and I promise you that it will become one of yours.

  • If the ONLY thing the Kimura Trap System did for you was allow you to counter any single or double shot without putting in years of "sprawl training," would that be worth your time?
  • If the ONLY thing the Kimura Trap System did for you was allow you to finish every Kimura you locked on, would that be worth it for you?
  • If the ONLY thing the Kimura Trap System did for you was give you the confidence to go for the finish every time you roll, would that be something you would want to have?

If you answered yes to any of these statements, you owe it to yourself to get the Kimura Trap System.

But, I leave it up to you which game you wish to play:

  • Points Game
  • Submission Game

As someone who has played both, the submission game is much funner, and far more rewarding.

Believe and Achieve,

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a DVD or Online Version?

Do you ship worldwide?

What payment methods do you take? Can I use PayPal?

Is the Online Course mobile friendly?

How long does it take to ship?

What if I don't like it? Do you have a return policy?

P.S. > Are you still on the fence?

Trust me, you do NOT want to sit on that fence

I don't blame you. We all have invested money one time or another and got burned.


My brother Marcos is a quick to make decisions. You just tell him what he will get and he does it.

Me, I'm more analytical. I have to analyze the whole product and offer before I make a decision.

What I have found is that waiting too long before making a decision actually hurts you more.

This guy took so long thinking that he was fossilized

If you have gotten this far, then you are probably like me and asking yourself:

"Should I get this now, or wait for more info?"

That is what we really want don't we? More information. We get what is called "the paralysis of analysis."

We are analyzing so much we forget about making a decision. If someone would just hand me the product so that I can see it and use it, it would make my decision so much easier.

While I can't just give the Full Kimura Trap System away for free, I will give you a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Here is it how it works:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't learn anything new after watching the course within 30 days, just send back the course and let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.

In all the years I have sold DVD's and Online Courses, I can count the number of refunds I have given out on both hands. Only 6, and I have had thousands of orders made.

I'm extremely proud of that fact, and I take great care to ensure everyone that orders through me is 100% satisfied with their order. Whether you want to email me, Facebook Message me, call me, or even do a Skype session to address a problem with your order I will be more than happy to.

With this 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, I have taken away the risk and placed it solely on my shoulders.

At this point, the only question left to answer is:

"Do I want to learn how to stop any takedown using jiu jitsu and be able to finish all my opponents?"

If you answered YES, click below and start learning the Kimura Trap System.

If you answered NO, then close this page and retire from BJJ.

If you didn't answer, then check out what people like you thought about the Kimura Trap System in the reviews.